March Gardening Tips
Gardening Information
Prune trees and shrubs that were damaged by heavy snow. It's also a good time to plant trees. Check out our classes "Unique Trees for Utah Landscapes" and/or "Fabulous Fruit Trees" this spring.
Cut back ornamental grasses and perennials that weren't pruned in the fall.
Start seeds of vegetables and annual flowers indoors under fluorescent lights for late May - June planting outdoors.
Core aerate lawn area if heavily compacted once soil dries.
Apply pre-emergent herbicide for crab grass control between March 15 - April 15.
Cool season vegetables like peas, radish, lettuce, and spinach can be planted as soon as the soil can be worked. Transplants of cool season vegetables like broccoli and cabbage can also be planted as soon as soil can be worked.
Quality soil is the foundation for plants, have soil tested before planting new areas. Soil tests will give you important information like pH, % organic matter, soluble salts, and major nutrients in soil. Recommendations for amendments will also be provided. Soil tests can be obtained from USU Extension.
Design a section of your landscape to be more water efficient. Join us for one of our many water-wise and native plant classes, including "Irrigation Basics" or "Residential Landscape Design."
Plant bare root roses the latter part of the month, soak roots of bare root roses in water several hours before planting.
Prune hybrid tea and shrub roses late March to early April removing dead and diseased wood, and crossing branches. Cut remaining branches of hybrid teas back to 16 - 24 inches above ground level. Join the "Rose Pruning Workshop" for hands-on experience.
Force branches of Pussy Willow, Cherry, Quince, and Forsythia to bloom indoors. Prune twigs once flower buds are swollen, place in vase of water and put in sunny warm location.