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New Year

Submitted: Jan. 9, 2021, midnight
By: Heidi Simper, Assistant Curator of Plant Records

We hope you are all having a happy new year! 9 days in and here's what's happening in the Water Conservation Garden...


Apache Plume    Fallugia paradoxa

These seed heads sparkle in the sunlight.


Fremont Barberry    Mahonia fremontii

You might say this evergreen is actually an everblue, with it's bluish gray leaves.


Joe's Bess Bristlecone    Pinus aristata 'Joes Bess'

This is a dwarf cultivar of a favorite Utah Native.


Charming Chub White Fir    Pinus concolor 'Charming Chub'

This is another miniature cultivar of a Utah Native.


Bluestem Joint Fir    Ephedra equisetina

This shrub is also an everblue. It is drought tolerant and low maintenance.

We look forward to seeing you back in the Garden. Until then, stay tuned.

Photos by Heidi M. Simper