Burton Fragrance Garden
The Terrace Gardens, opened in 1996, consist of three unique thematic gardens: Herb, Medicinal, and Fragrance. Each garden shares several similar components, such as a wisteria covered entrance arbor, a cascading water fountain, a hand basin, meandering walk ways, and sandstone retaining walls.
The Burton Fragrance Garden is designed with a central meadow and flagstone paths with plantings of larger shrubs and trees along the garden borders. The Fragrance Meadow features herbaceous herbs and perennials that are 2.5’ or shorter and is designed to have various blooms most of the year.
Some of the plants included in this garden are:
- Spring: Narcissus, Hyacinth, Wisteria, Mock Orange, Purple Robe Locust, Daphne, Golden Chain Tree, Lilac, Peony, Lily of the Valley, Wallflower, and Magnolia
- Summer: Lavender, Nicotiana, Agastache, Buddleia, Yarrow, Yellowwood, Roses, Seven Son Flower, Phlox, and Mimosa
- Fall: Seven Son Flower, Agastache, Fall Blooming Clematis, Alyssum, Chrysanthemum
Some of the plants in the Fragrance Garden open and emit fragrance only at night or on cloudy days. Consequently, some of the plants that appear least interesting during the heat of the day are magnificent from evening to morning. These include Four O’clock, Nicotiana, and Datura. What pollinators would be out at night? (Moths and bats.)

Photo: Kate Randall, Red Butte Garden

Photo: Kate Randall, Red Butte Garden

Photo: Jason Baker, Red Butte Garden

Photo: Kate Randall, Red Butte Garden