Floral Foray
Submitted: Sept. 12, 2024, 3:23 p.m.
As the summer season fades, the Garden continues to burst with vibrant colors. September blooming plants offer a beautiful finale to the growing season, showcasing a variety of stunning flowers that can brighten up any landscape and provide much-needed nectar for pollinators as they prepare for winter.

This Bald-faced Hornet is feeding on Symphoricarpos albus (Common Snowberry) flowers.

Double Delight® (Rosa 'ANDeli')
The flowers of this unique cultivar open cream-colored and UV light stimulates them to turn red.

Obedient Plant (Physostegia virginiana)
Feel like pushing your plants around? Try this: Gently push the flowers on this species side to side and they will stay where you push them.

Goldhill Goldenaster (Heterotheca × jonesii 'Goldhill')
This fantastic hybrid forms an evergreen mat of tiny leaves covered with bright yellow flowers.

Alpine Willowherb (Epilobium fleischeri)
Produces delicate pink flowers from reddish stems followed by silvery seed heads.

Clustered Bellflower (Campanula glomerata 'Superba')
Upright clusters of deep violet flowers bloom heavily in spring through summer.
Come see the Garden's late summer blossoms. Some are re-blooming, while others are putting on their very first show of the year.
Photos by Jason W. Baker