The Natives are Blooming!
Submitted: April 17, 2020, 11:50 a.m.
The natives are blooming! The natives are blooming!
While we are all social distancing, many of us are taking to the hills to get out and enjoy what Mother Nature has to offer. Watch for some of these on your next outing.

Curl-leaf Mountain Mahogany (Cercocarpus ledifolius)
This evergreen tree is an important food source for Rocky Mountain elk and mule deer.

Low Cryptantha (Cryptantha humilis)
This low-growing perennial can be found in rocky locations along the Wasatch Front.

Longstalk Spring Parsley (Cymopterus longipes)
A cousin to carrots and celery, this native is one of the first plants to bloom along the trails.

Western Waterleaf (Hydrophyllum occidentale)
These little beauties can be found growing in the shade of the Gambel Oaks.

Creeping Oregon Grape (Mahonia repens)
This little shrub has it all; beautiful yellow flowers in the spring, powdery purple fruits in the summer, and brilliant red and purple foliage in fall and winter.

Shortstyle Bluebells (Mertensia brevistyla)
These handsome little flowers can be seen polka-dotting the hills with spots of color. If you look close you may find a pink or white one from time to time.
Each spring storm brings more color to the hills. Please stay safe and keep your distance between yourself and the other hikers.
Photos by Jason W. Baker