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Nila Jane Autry Art Exhibit
June 21 - July 22

Red Butte Garden


Please call 801-585-0556

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Admission not required to shop


June 21 - July 22

Meet the Artist Reception

Meet Nila Jane Autry and learn more about her art at Red Butte Garden on Friday, June 28 from 5-8:30pm.

Nila Jane Autry presents "Flowerscapes"

Artist Statement

I am a ‘Beauty Hunter’, finding my own way in this world in which we are all interconnected, woven together with the heavens and the earth, the flowers, and all that lies between. I feel I need more than just this one lifetime to explore all that is before me as an artist.


In addition to my artist hat, I love being a wife, a mother, a grandmother, and a musician. I’ve come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as a balanced life. It’s controlled chaos all around me and inside of me. Sometimes chaos reigns, then control must step up to the plate. Focusing on a painting, one at a time, allows me to enter the art zone, calming the inner chaos.

After visiting Red Butte Garden, my artwork found a home, as the needs of the woven world happily include all sorts of pollinators for the huge variety of flowers residing in gardens and all around us.

There is great peace in realizing that chaos is inevitable, and within is always an assurance that what I’m trying to express is crucial, ‘A Visual Love Letter to the World’, and must be expressed.


A ‘Beauty Hunter’ and ‘Old Fashioned’, these are terms my colleagues have assigned to me, and I embrace them. In standing apart as an Artist, I refuse the modern search to say something weird and new, and long to embolden and emblazon the values and morals of the past deeply into the core of my artwork. Learning from the great masters of the past has taught me reverence and respect for the entire art process. Acute observation and patience has been a direct result of studying the Masters.

I am a happy painter. There is nowhere I’d rather be than in the middle of a painting. I paint in oils, mostly. I also teach art in my home and hope to pass on the legacy I have been given.

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