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Everything You Wanted to Know About Trees
Feb 11

Red Butte Garden Classroom



Please call: 801-581-8454


James Batton

Garden Members: 
General Public: 


Feb 11

Tuesday, February 11


Have you ever invested time and money in planting a tree only to watch it struggle or die? Or perhaps you've found yourself with a tree that has outgrown its space or is causing problems with your property. These common frustrations can often be avoided by understanding the basics of tree selection and care.

In this comprehensive class, we'll delve into the world of trees, covering topics such as:

  • Tree Species: Discover the wide variety of trees available for Utah landscapes, from native species to exotic choices. We'll discuss their unique characteristics, growth habits, and suitability for different climates.
  • Growth Patterns: Understand how trees grow, including their root systems, canopy development, and overall size.This knowledge will help you select trees that are appropriate for your space and won't cause future problems.
  • Trees and Utah: Learn how trees interact with Utah's unique climate, soil conditions, and elevation. We'll discuss the challenges trees face in our state and how to choose species that are well-suited to local conditions.
  • Tree Selection: Gain expert advice on selecting the right tree for your landscape. We'll consider factors such as desired size, shape, foliage, and flowering habits.
  • Proper Planting: Learn the best practices for planting trees, including site preparation, root ball handling, and staking.
  • Tree Care: Discover essential tree care techniques, such as watering, fertilizing, pruning, and pest and disease control.
  • Common Tree Problems: Understand common tree problems and how to prevent or address them.

By the end of this class, you'll have the knowledge and confidence to select and care for trees that will thrive in your Utah landscape. Say goodbye to tree-related frustrations and hello to a beautiful, healthy, and long-lasting outdoor space.

James Batton is a consulting arborist, horticulturist, and local Youtube gardening host. Since 1979 he has worked in the landscape gardening field as a research assistant, estate gardener, greenskeeper, designer, arborist, and horticultural instructor. He has served as president of the Local Chapter of The International Society of Arboriculture, and consulted on many projects including City Creek's Landscape, Thanksgiving Point water features, and the Oregon Symphony's designers' showhouse. Come enjoy James' engaging storytelling style of teaching skills in the garden.